
This document is intended to provide the quickest path to a fully functional development environment for developers planning to contribute to the Check-Ins project using MacOS.

Install Homebrew

Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. For complete information on using Homebrew, visit https://brew.sh

The fastest path to installing Homebrew is to run the following from the command line:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

Before the script above, it’s recommended you review the script contents at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh. This will ensure you understand what the script is doing before running it.

If you run into any hiccups during installation, visit https://brew.sh/ for more information.

Shell Completions (optional)

For the most recent instructions for enabling command shell auto-completions, see the Homebrew Shell Completion Instructions for bash, zsh, and fish.

Install Git

Git is a distributed version control system that is used by the Check-Ins project. It is available via Homebrew and may already be installed on your Mac.

To check if git is installed, run the following command:

git --version

If git is not yet installed on your Mac, you may be prompted to install the XCode command line tools. To install XCode command line tools run command xcode-select --install.

You can install git via Homebrew:

brew install git

Install Hub

Since this project is hosted on GitHub, using Hub will make many common tasks more convenient. You can install hub via Homebrew by running the following command:

brew install hub

Hub is an alternative to the GitHub CLI. If you prefer to use the GitHub CLI, you can install it with brew install gh. A list of differences between the two can be found in the GitHub CLI documentation. If you choose to use the GitHub CLI, skip the following steps for creating a git alias.

You may wish to use hub as a drop-in replacement for git. To do this, you can create a git alias.

Create a git alias (optional)

If your default shell is zsh (macOS default) then add the following line to your ~/.zshrc file. For bash, add the line to your .bash_profile or .bashrc file.

alias git=hub

SSH Keys

If you haven’t already, you will want to configure git to use ssh for connecting to GitHub. If you’re using gpg-agent for SSH authentication, ensure your GPG keys are added to the agent.

Install JDK

JDK is required to build and run the Check-Ins project. You can install a specific version of the JDK using SDKMAN. First, install SDKMAN by running the following command:

curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash

Before running the above command, it’s recommended you review the script contents at https://get.sdkman.io. This will ensure you understand what the script is doing before running it.

Then, install the JDK with:

sdk install java 21.0.4-tem
sdk use java 21.0.4-tem
sdk default java 21.0.4-tem

We also support using GraalVM Community Edition to build native executables. In order to test the GraalVM-built native executables, you will need to install GraalVM as well:

sdk install java 21.0.2-graalce

You can switch to the GraalVM compiler by running:

sdk use java 21.0.2-graalce

Please note JDK 21 is the latest version at the time of writing. See the .java-version file in the project root for the version of the JDK required for this project. You will also find versions in server/Dockerfile.

Install NVM

Note: If you have previously installed NVM, you should update it to the latest version. As an alternative to NVM, the Fast Node Manager can be used as well.

To install or update NVM, run the following from the command line:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.40.1/install.sh | bash

Where v0.40.1 is the latest version of NVM at the time of writing. You can find the latest version on the NVM Releases page on GitHub.

After installing NVM, you will need to restart your terminal or run the following command to start using NVM:

source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh

See the NVM GitHub page for additional help and information.

Enable NVM Shell Completions (optional)

Add the following to the appropriate shell config (.zshrc, etc.)

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

Install Correct Node Version

Install and use the correct node version for the project.

nvm install 22.9 #this will download the latest patch version
nvm use 22.9 #this will use the latest patch version

If you are not working on other node projects, you may want to set this as your default. Otherwise, you will need to make sure you are using the correct version everytime you restart your terminal. To set your default, please use the following:

nvm alias default 22.9 #this will set the latest patch version to default

Install Yarn

brew install yarn

You should now have yarn available on your command line. Check the version with:

yarn --version

You should be using Yarn 1.22.19 or later.

Install Podman

If you are using Docker Desktop, you can skip this section, and set an environment variable via export USE_DOCKER_DESKTOP=1 in your shell profile. This will enable Ryuk for cleaning up old containers under testing.

This project uses Podman for containerization. Podman is a daemonless container engine for developing, managing, and running Open Container Initiative containers. It is an alternative to Docker and is available without fee for macOS via Homebrew.

To install Podman, run:

brew install podman

To install podman-compose, run:

brew install podman-compose